WINNER at Jackson Wild!

Congrats to Sylvia and Tamara and Alex and team!  For winning the Best Changing Planet Film - Short Form.  Awarded for the best examination (under 15 minutes) of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability, and climate change.  CMG support made possible by Grand Circle Foundation.

LAMAVE Finishes First Film and Sponsors Local Children's Art Project

The past year has been a whirlwind for Sally Snow and the LAMAVE team, consisting of meetings with government agencies, workshops with local stakeholders, and filming above and underwater to make the most effective briefing film possible in hopes of mitigating human impact on resident Philippines marine turtles, the goal of LAMAVE’s second CMG Action Grant. The first film, “Apo Island Snorkel Briefing and Interpretation Film,” was completed and delivered this May. 

Cubamar Film to Broadcast on Cuban TV

CubaMar and filmmaker Ziggy Livnat has released a documentary about the fishing community of Cocodrilo, Cuba that will broadcast this month on Cubavision International’s weekly travel show: Esto es Cuba.

CMG at DC Environmental Film Festival & Sylvia Earle's Ocean Challenge

A very exciting couple of weeks ahead if you live in the Washington, DC area!  Today is the start of the DC Environmental Film Festival #dceff, the world's largest showcase of environmental films.  Among the 100+ powerful screenings and discussions with filmmakers, scientists and environmental experts, there will be several films that have involved our Conservation Media Group network.

CMG Fellow to Continue Creating Impact at

Early in 2017, we awarded an 8-month CMG Fellowship, including a $40,000 stipend, to Aleksei Wagner, a New York-based activist and filmmaker, to collaborate with’s digital campaign staff. Aleksei began his term with an assessment of 350’s use of video through conversations with more than a dozen staff and research into the organization’s campaigns, messaging, resources and visual styles.

Grantee Update: Pew's Global Shark Conservation Films in Production

A production update from our 2017 CMG Blue Initiative Grantee:

"As the recipient of CMG’s Blue Initiative Grant, The Pew Charitable Trusts’ global shark conservation campaign has been identifying the most important shark areas around the world to capture footage of whale sharks and other shark species that could receive international protections at the Convention on the Conservation Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) 12th Conference of the Parties (CoP12) in Manila in October this year.

CMG Oceans & Plastic Workshop Highlights Change-making Collaborations & Connections

Last week we hosted a 4-day Catalyst Workshop focused on Oceans & Plastic with an international group of change-makers at Alnoba in Kensington, New Hampshire. We brought together more than a dozen filmmakers, strategists, and organizations from around the world - including participants from Mexico, the Bahamas, Estonia, Australia, and across the United States.

CMG Selects Pew’s Global Shark Conservation Campaign for 2017 Blue Initiative Grant

CMG is proud to announce the 2017 recipient of our $30,000 Blue Initiative Grant, The Pew Charitable Trusts’ global shark conservation campaign. Pew has extensive experience working around the world to reverse the decline of shark populations, whose primary threat is unregulated fishing driven primarily by the demand for shark fins in the global trade.

CMG Fellow at Impact Results from the Peoples Climate March

Early in 2017, we awarded an 8-month CMG Fellowship, including a $40,000 stipend, to Aleksei Wagner, a New York-based activist and filmmaker, to collaborate with’s digital campaign staff. Halfway through his fellowship, our CMG Fellow has already had a dramatic impact.

Activist Filmmaker Awarded CMG Fellowship with

Congratulations to Aleksei Wagner, our newest CMG Fellow! Aleksei begins his CMG Fellowship today with in Brooklyn, New York. This 8-month CMG Fellowship provides for a $40,000 fellowship stipend, in addition to in-kind support from and Conservation Media Group. Aleksei brings with him an impressive history of using video for activism including experience with organizing, training, editing, producing and directing.